Scott Lesnick
- Scott exemplifies the attributes of the Never Give Up guy in many areas of his life. Over the years, the message of Persistence = Success has permeated the way he has triumphed over challenges, grew as a leader and overcame adversity.
- As a keynote speaker and interactive breakout presenter, Scott motivates your audiences with his powerful and entertaining message plus powerful actionable takeaways.
- Scott amazingly devised a daring plan to reunite with his two small children who were kidnapped to the Middle East and no laws required them to be returned. This proved to be a significant test of both his resolve and the strength of his conviction. The abduction and how he retained custody of his children led to the principles of tenacity and persistence displayed in his customized presentations.

Scott lesnick, CSP
Scott Lesnick is a high content international keynote speaker who is motivational, instructional and educational in style and tone. He presents powerful keynotes and interactive breakout sessions and is a consultant and author. Also, Scott earned his CSP- Certified Speaking Professional from the National Speakers Association. Only 12% of speakers world-wide have this designation! In addition, Scott has 20+ award-winning sales and management years at Shaw Industries a Berkshire Hathaway Fortune 500 company.
Scott served as the Dean of the Academy for Professional Speakers in 2016-17. He is a graduate of The University of Miami, Florida. Plus, Scott is a TEDx presenter.
His memoir, “Kidjacked – A Father’s Story” and his book Lifejacked: Life Lessons on Leadership were published to critical acclaim.
Scott’s motivational, educational and inspirational presentations center around topics including: Sales and leadership, increasing productivity, HR, generational and cultural inclusion excellence in leadership, project management excellence, healthcare professional development. Plus, maximizing performance, maximizing operational performance and excellence and managing change through great leadership.
$10,000 – $15,000
Request Scott’s Speaking Kit
Worked In
United States, Canada
Topics and Programs
- Leadership
- Generation Issues
- Human Resources/Labor Relations
- Motivation
- Sales
- Change
Kidjacked: My Highly Requested Signature Story
Imagine how much the guy who figured out a way to rescue his two small children when they were kidnapped to the Middle East can teach you about resilience, successfully navigating change, perseverance and seeing the big picture in your professional and personal life.
I amazingly devised a daring plan to reunite with my two small children who were kidnapped to the Middle East. No laws required them to be returned! This proved to be a significant test of both my resolve and the strength of my conviction. The abduction and how I ultimately retained custody of my children led to the principles of tenacity and persistence displayed in this customized presentation.
My powerful signature keynote Kidjacked is the template used to take your attendees on an incredible journey. Disruptive at best-I engaged with, technology, experience from others, open communication and talent from around the globe.
We laugh, gasp and ultimately smile as I describe exactly how I accomplished what few thought could ever be done. Locating and rescuing my two small children who were kidnapped to the Middle East!
During the presentation, I come back to you several times, your jobs and your lives and tie together our challenges, growth and triumphs. Talented women and men who are committed to workplace excellence and growth, employee support, and so much more! Powerful takeaways are layered throughout.
Simply put…It rocks!
Takeaways include:
– Increase your leadership abilities through more effective relationship building
– Improve your communication effectiveness and engagement with both management and staff
– Recognize when stress may be effecting decisions and the tools to help
– Provide you with tools to reduce stress and increase focus and engage employees
– Develop agile approaches to long-term challenges through strategy, tenacity and persistence
– Learn to grow, mentor and lead even during times of significant change.
Communicating At Work: Removing Barriers To Increase Workplace Productivity
Today’s business professionals are tasked with the responsibility of navigating so many jobs within their job. It’s a busy life! And, some or even many, are counting on you to have ALL the answers.
This can affect your productivity in many ways. So, what is stopping us? Why are we sometimes hitting a roadblock in our ability to improve our output?
We all want higher productivity, especially when faced with limited resources or significant change. How do we make this happen? I’ll explain as we uncover the great ways to unleash our productivity, grow relationships, assisting those we serve!
Limited or constrained resources and lack of information can affect work in so many ways. It can also lead to a decrease in productivity. Sometimes we are aware of these barriers and other times… not so much. It this desire to remove them that begins to help us find ways of increasing our productivity. It begins with engaging in vibrant dialogue with one another, with employees and with our senior leaders. These are your biggest assets! To truly resolve this problem, increase our productivity and achieve our goals we must understand that resourcefulness/ingenuity requires considering multiple angles/perspectives of the same the same resources.
Resourcefulness comes from having the context to see something well enough to understand how you can use what otherwise appeared to be a constraint. All these ways we trying to grow our productivity are not necessarily solving the actual problem. If we can acknowledge that these barriers exist, then we can attempt to remove them and in doing so unleash growth, grow productivity and even have some fun! However, underneath all of this there’s something that’s making it even worse!
I’ll explain as we uncover the direct lines to increased productivity, better communications and employee satisfaction.
This high energy keynote is designed to shed light on the real barriers we’re facing as we continue to strive for business excellence, a productive work environment, increased employee retention and more.
Actionable takeaways are layered throughout along with stories that resonate with attendees.
– 3 powerful tools that WILL increase your productivity
– Grow your networking skills and workplace’s sharing of ideas, information and communication
– Build stronger and agile relationships with coworkers
– Increased leadership abilities and employee buy in
Next Generation Leadership: Attracting, Engaging, and Retaining 5 Generations
Successfully Blending the Five Generations currently in the workplace can be a tall order. Your leadership is essential in assisting all employees to better understand one another. It begins with open and vibrant dialogue and inclusion of all generations!
Our goal is to help support happier, dynamic, more productive employees while also maintaining focus on business, new laws, a positive workplace culture and so much more.
Around the globe and in the U.S., today’s employees can have up to five different generations working side by side. And, productivity can decrease if your staff doesn’t understand the unique characteristics and talents each person/generation brings. After all, understanding and growing our talent and organizational culture creates opportunities for increase productivity, higher retention and better communications between staff and departments.
This highly requested interactive presentation covers strategic methods of improving employee morale, improving operational efficiency, increasing employee retention and improving employee productivity; how to find it, how to harness it and how to keep it.
Millennials and Gen. Z get a special nod in this presentation- you’ll see why they’ve earned it in this fun, informative, interactive and fast paced session!
– Increase employee retention, inclusion and attract new candidates
– Grow overall workplace communications, productivity and efficiency
– Improve employee/management engagement of each generation and cultures
– Discover the workplace needs, wants and aspirations of each generation PLUS
– Identify the 7 most powerful actions we can take to improve employee engagement, workplace culture, grow communication, and cooperation with all generations (based on my four-year survey)
The Professional And Personal Benefits of Successfully Navigating Change In An Ever – Changing World
From new staff to new managers. From new company direction to constant change. Staff is surrounded with change and the effect it has on jobs and on their workplace satisfaction, retention and productivity. Employee engagement and talent support is essential.
If those we work with can successfully navigate the intricacies we’ll continue to grow our productivity and have a distinct advantage in advancing the services we provide!
Sometimes it’s organizational change- cultural transformation. Or, it can be the people side-how to cope. Fear and anxiety, new management new staff and new roles can be an opportunity for growth. Plus, an opportunity for additional learning and possible advancement too.
We understand that change is a constant and it’s our job as leaders to assist staff who are struggling, give them the tools and let them know they’re not alone. From innovation and technology to increase sales and a strong workplace culture. We’re in this together and change is constant.
This popular session is designed to show you how to best assist all staff, create a culture of openness and ideas and successful navigate change in your workplace.
– Demonstrate a greater ability to successfully lead through and navigate change
– Prepare a stronger vision to stay productive, engage as a leader and develop stronger relationships
– Key factors that allow individuals to stress less, grow engagement and produce even during challenging times
– Improved change management skills, better communication skills and a stronger more agile staff/team
– Learn to grow, mentor and lead even during times of significant change
Watch Scott in Action
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