Bruce Turkel
- Bruce conveys the importance of strong brands to clients, audiences and readers, and shows them how to build their own brand value.
- Bruce has spoken at MIT, Harvard, TEDx, and hundreds of corporate and industry conferences. In 2017 the National Speakers Association inducted Bruce into their Speaker Hall of Fame.
- You might have seen Bruce on TV. Bruce has working with valuable brands for more than 25 years and is a frequent guest expert on the national news. He appears regularly on CNN International, MSNBC, and NPR.

Bruce Turkel, CSP, CPAE
Bruce is a sought-after speaker on the subjects of branding, creativity, innovation, and leadership. An accomplished passionate presenter, he gladly shares easy-to-follow, proven steps for building brand value with his audiences.
Bruce has an overarching theme for his talks: it’s “all about them.” Bruce instructs your audience members to focus on their customers, not their products or services, helping them open their minds and discover their creativity. Drawing from his 30-plus years of ad agency experience, Bruce helps your audiences understand how to make their brands attractive to their customers, as well as how innovation can differentiate them from their competitors.
Bruce is captivating and insightful on stage. His unique presentations combine engaging wit, creative insights, thought-provoking ideas and smoking hot notes on his harmonica.
Satisfied audiences from Bruce’s talks at MIT, Harvard, CHRIS and TEDx, and attendees at hundreds of corporate and industry events all agree that Bruce’s message, entertainment value, and inspiration stick around long after the session is over. That’s when your participants go back to work and think… differently.
$15,000 – $25,000
Download Bruce’s Speaking Kit
Worked In
United States, Vietnam, Thailand, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Colombia, Belgium, China
Topics and Programs
- Branding
- Creativity
- Marketing
- Social Media
- Business
Seven simple steps to building, maintaining, and communicating a greate brand. Bruce provides entertaining anecdotes and real world examples to illustrate the finer points of brand building. Learn how to add significant value to your products by making your products more valuable to your customers.
Hidden in Plain Sight. Content vs Context, Non-Linear Thinking and the definition of WTF??!! are just a few of the concepts explored and explained in this irreverent but very practical talk. Bruce looks at innovation in a whole new way that will have your audience slapping their heads and thinking ” why didn’t I see that before?” Your attendees will leave energized and excited about putting their new-found skills of imagination to work.
BMW defines its brand essense with four words. Nike, GE, and Wal-Mart use three. Barack Obama sold the most powerful product in the world with two: “Hope” and “Change.” In this multi-media speech, Bruce shows you how to reduce your brand message to its most practical, actionable, and compelling essence.
Watch Bruce in Action
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-James Lavine
Visual Communications Manager
Lockheed Martin
-Henry Martinez
Discovery Communications
-Bill Melnyk
Brand Director
Grey Goose Vodka